Baldwin not contesting Port Stephens mayoral election

AFTER several weeks of consideration, former Paterson MP Bob Baldwin has announced he will not run for the position of Port Stephens Mayor in the September 14 Council elections.

“As initially stated, I intended to thoroughly assess the situation before deciding whether to run,” Mr Baldwin told NOTA.

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“While I am thankful for the support expressed by community members in recent weeks, after much deliberation, I have chosen not to enter the mayoral race.

“Upon reflection, given the number of conflicts that have arisen, such as the time commitment required, I would not be able to fulfil the responsibilities of the role to the high standard it demands and rightly deserves.”

Driven by a belief that council “should remain nonpartisan”, Mr Baldwin is urging non-party affiliated members of the public to consider running for councillor positions.

“It is evident that Port Stephens Council would greatly benefit from additional independent councillors who are capable of strong, autonomous thinking,” he said.

“I urge every sector of our community, especially the youth, to engage in our democracy and contemplate running for a council position.

“The council would prosper from a diversity of ideas and goals.”

Mr Baldwin expresses his best wishes to all candidates.

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