Back full steam ahead at Julie Ross Dance Studio


AFTER nearly four months shut down in 2020 and no eisteddfod or community performances, spirits were pretty low in the dance school, and students who could normally express themselves creatively and physically were unable to unleash their passion through their favourite activity of dance.

We are overjoyed to be training again and rehearsing for our first eisteddfod of the year in Grafton over Easter.

The teachers and students are putting in 100% effort and it is so wonderful to see all the enthusiasm and smiling faces around the studio.

There is of course social distancing but our students and families have come on board positively with the implementing of new rules and strategies to help the studio run in a harmonious way through Covid.

We offer classes for tiny tots, adults, kids, teens and seniors and we can cater for the elite dancer training for professional dance and performances or the student or enthusiast who wants to dance for recreation and fun.

Dance is an ideal way to get fit but more than that it stimulates the brain also using different areas of function, than when doing something academically, or doing a single exercise movement that is not derived from the imagination.

This is why some students who do not do well at school will excel in dance.

Emotional and creative intelligence is highly regarded in the arts and dance world.

At Julie Ross Dance Studio, our teachers are experienced and amazing role models who nurture their students, creating an environment where students can thrive by being truly seen and catered for.

The artistry and love of dance is apparent at the studio so whether you’re a complete beginner or have got some experience we would love to chat with you to help you decide on a class for yourself or a child or person you are responsible for.

The studio is accredited for $100 active and creative vouchers which parents receive from Services NSW for all school age children to encourage kids into activity and the arts.

For more information ring Gabby on 0411986579 or Julie on 0402137171 or email
Visit the website at

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