B-double damages tree and cars in Sawtell

The truck took down a tree branch and damaged vehicles. Photo: Hannah McNicol.

SAWTELL residents are fiercely protective of the magnificent fig trees that give First Avenue its unique character, so the great majority were dismayed to find a B-double truck had damaged one of them last Sunday night.

Two vehicle owners were even more dismayed as the truck took down a large branch which wedged in the trailer behind, causing it to veer into them.

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Fixtures in the street were also damaged, as was the roof of the post office.

Fire and Rescue NSW took three hours to remove the branch and clear First Avenue.

“Trucks shouldn’t be coming through the town,” said the Chairman of the Sawtell Chamber of Commerce, Clive Greenway.

“It’s well signposted but it happens a couple of times a year.”

Hannah McNicol was staying at the hotel with her friend, Dan Smith.

“We were sitting on the top balcony on a beautiful night thinking how lucky we were to be sitting in such a lovely place and suddenly we heard this incredible noise,” she said.

“I didn’t see the actual trunk come off but we jumped up realising that the truck didn’t seem to be stopping.

“My friend Dan ran down with others from the pub to wave the driver down.”

Hannah said it was mayhem for a couple of minutes before things calmed down.

“We walked around and saw the carnage on the other side of the truck.

“It was incredible that nobody was hurt.

“My eardrums rang for about 20 minutes after.

“I really felt for the driver and the tree.”

She praised the emergency services, saying that they did an incredible job and that hotel staff were wonderful in keeping things calm.

By Andrew VIVIAN

The branch became wedged in the truck and took three hours to remove. Photo: Hannah McNicol.

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