Australia Day 2022 In Port Stephens

Past Councillor John Nell was recognised for over 30 years of service to the Local Government Area.


CORLETTE resident November Sheehan has been named Port Stephens Citizen of the Year.

She created the Facebook group Heart Letter Pen at the peak of the pandemic to support elderly residents in aged care who were feeling lonely or anxious.

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It’s since become a nationwide network.

She’s one of six community members and groups recognised at the 2021 Port Stephens Annual Awards, which were held as part of Australia Day celebrations at Raymond Terrace, sadly there were no festivities at Nelson Bay this year however there are plans in place to ensure that 2023 will see the return of the festivities in the Bay.

Mayor Ryan Palmer said Australia Day was the perfect opportunity to thank local groups and individuals for their service and generosity.

“There’s people in our community who go that little bit further, give that little bit extra and inspire all of us to make every day better, and the Port Stephens Annual Awards are our way of formally recognising their amazing contribution to our region,” Mayor Palmer said.

“2021 was another year of challenges, with lockdowns and border closures due to COVID-19, but through it all our community remained resilient.

“Each of our annual award recipients stand out as shining lights, whether it’s through donating their time to community programs, championing local sports, or raising environmental awareness.

“They’re fantastic role models for our community and it’s an honour to be able to recognise their service.”

Terrace Central Centre Manager Ben Robinson said, “Terrace Central is proud to be the principle sponsor of this year’s Australia Day events in Raymond Terrace – especially to see these incredible people recognised for what they contribute to our community,” Mr Robinson said.

Citizen of the Year – November Sheehan decided to do something positive for those that were isolated during the COVID-19 lockdowns by founding Heart Letter Pen, an online initiative created during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic to assist people feeling lonely, anxious and isolated.

November donates significant time to manage the group’s Facebook page, coordinate drop-off and collection of boxes across the local community, and individually check, sort and mail card batches.

Young Citizen of the Year – Brigid Douglas is a volunteer gymnastics coach at PCYC Port Stephens, generously volunteering an estimated 350 hours a year to support programs for young people.

Brigid has built wonderful relationships with her students and the community, and is an example of hard work and dedication to the sport of gymnastics.

Brigid also helps with the club’s school holiday programs and works closely with NSW Police on the Fit for Life program.

Sportsgroup of the Year – The Clontarf Foundation helps to improve the education, discipline, life-skills, self-esteem and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men.

The Foundation has helped to make a difference in the lives of young people in Port Stephens by running programs with students at Hunter River High and Irrawang High School.

Cultural Endeavour – Madeline Crockett gives back to her community by volunteering her time at the Twilight markets in Fingal Bay.

Among her many duties, Madeline helps to organise signs and COVID-19 updates, filling market spots, advertising via social media and providing updates to the community.

Previously Madeline spent time volunteering to assist her fellow students with their school assignments.

Environmental Award – Leonie Bryson is the vice-president and a key member of Climate Action Port Stephens.

Leonie has been actively involved in educating the Port Stephens community about climate change and sustainability and has worked on events such as School Strike for Climate.

Through her dedication and hard work, Leonie secured grant funding to install renewable street furniture in Raymond Terrace – known as a Smart Solar Bench – that uses energy from the sun to enable users to charge their phones and connect to Wi-Fi.

Freeman of Port Stephens – Kevin Stokes is a founding member of the Hunter Region Botanic Gardens. A passionate advocate for the environment, Kevin has spent more than 36 years volunteering at the Gardens.

He has worked tirelessly to develop and maintain the Gardens’ traditions, its volunteer basis and its focus on displaying and conserving Australian plants.

Freeman of Port Stephens – John Nell former Councillor, contributed 34 years to Port Stephens Council both as an East Ward Councillor and Mayor.

He is the second longest-serving Councillor on Port Stephens Council. John is passionate about the Port Stephens environment and was a long-standing member of many committees including the Marine Park Committee, Estuary Management Committee and Tomaree Sports Council.

During his tenure, he was a strong advocate for the environment and oversaw improvements to Nelson Bay town centre, more shared paths and new sporting infrastructure.

Freeman of Port Stephens – Ken Jordan

Ken Jordan was first elected to Port Stephens Council in 2004 and represented the West Ward community for 17 years.

He served as Deputy Mayor from 2011 to 2012 and was an active community group member.

Ken was passionate about creating greater job opportunities for local young people.

During his tenure, he helped to reshape the developer contributions plan to increase funding for local projects and was a strong advocate for the Men’s Shed movement locally. He was also a passionate member of the Seaham Park & Wetlands Committee and West Ward Sports Council.

Councillor Giacomo Arnott told News Of The Area, “”We had a fantastic Australia Day at Raymond Terrace, welcoming new citizens and congratulating our annual award winners.

“The traditional welcome to country by Uncle John Ridgeway was well received by everyone in attendance, and an important reminder of who the traditional owners of Port Stephens are – the Worimi people.

“Meryl Swanson, our Federal Member of Parliament and Kate Washington, our State Member of Parliament, had important information for locals which was well received by all. “We are lucky to have such engaging Members of Parliament who make themselves available to the community.

“After missing out on Australia Day in 2021, it was a triumphant return this year.

“Well done to Raymond Terrace Rotary, Raymond Terrace Lions, Raymond Terrace Mens’ Shed and all those involved who made the day such a success,” he said.

John Nell told News Of The Area “I appreciate the gesture, it is nice to be recognised as a Freeman of Port Stephens,” he said.




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