Aussie Battler Paige Reynolds Endures Spine Op Dramas

Linda with Paige at home
Linda with Paige at home

Paige Reynolds, 13, has recently undergone two gruelling spine operations, and an infection, to fight her way back to health.

The St. Philips Christian College pupil, who suffers with the condition Scoliosis, had been off school for ten weeks.
Paige bravely went back to school last week on a part time basis.
The initial six hour operation was a success and Paige went home after three weeks in hospital.

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Paige’s Mum, Linda Talbot, said that she was not happy with the transport used to bring Paige home.
“She was expecting an ambulance with attendant paramedics, but instead, it was Patient Transport with just a driver.”

Linda said an unfortunate incident occurred when Paige stepped out of the van and she fell down.
“A week later, Paige was complaining of extreme hip pain,” Linda said.

It transpired that two screws had dislodged and she was required to have another gruelling operation.
Linda told News of the Area that they were both “devastated” at having to go through this second operation.

Following the procedure, Paige contracted an infection around the metal in her spine, resulting in another ten days in hospital.

Linda slept next to Paige in the hospital the whole time to be near her daughter.
Paige and Linda tried to keep busy with craft projects, visits from therapy dogs and reptiles.

Eventually, Paige was deemed well enough to go home as part of the Out and About Programme.
This would involve a pica line (a portable antibiotic drip) to administer her antibiotics.

Linda had to change the pica line every day, which she said made her feel quite nervous.
The line is now out, but Paige still has to take oral antibiotics for three months.

Mum Linda said that Paige may still require further surgery.
Scoliosis is the term for curvature of the spine, which Linda suffers from too.
Linda said, “Paige has been such a trooper throughout all of this! I am so proud of her.”


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