Attention carers of the Nambucca Valley: Reach out for help

Support group coordinator Bev Reedy and carer Glenys Horne with the group’s new banner kindly donated by Kerri Garvie.

LAST month the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released figures showing that there are now three million unpaid carers across the country.

Many carers often find themselves becoming a carer for a loved one, a family member or close friend at short notice and have little knowledge about what services and support might be available to them.

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Fortunately the Nambucca Valley has a group that is all about focusing on the needs of the carer and connecting them to vital support and even respite from their role as carers.

Known as the ‘Support Group for Our Everlasting Carers’, they meet once a month for face-to-face contact with other carers over morning tea.

“Support groups like this are so important as it is really the only place you can connect with others who are going through what you are going through,” carer Glenys Horne told News Of The Area.

“While there are some services available to help carers it is very hard to find out about them so this support group acts as a hub to connect us with services or point us in the right direction.”

Due to their circumstances, many carers are not able to make the monthly catch up, so the Support Group also maintains contact through phone calls and visits when possible.

“One of the things we do is get information out to carers either through the monthly meetings or through one-on-one contact,” support group coordinator Bev Reedy said.

“This year, with so many changes in Government legislation and other changes, it has been even more important that we keep in contact with carers.

“Even the two hours rest they get while having morning tea with us once a month works wonders.

“Carers also know that they can call me 24/7 if need be; I feel very honoured to have earned their trust.”

While this volunteer group receives a small amount of financial support from Carers Australia, they generally rely on public support and recently were facing closure until thrown a lifeline by way of a $500 donation from the Uniting Church Op Shop in Nambucca Heads.

The Support Group for Our Everlasting Carers also intends to run an Information Day for carers and the wider community at the Nambucca Plaza on Thursday 17 October during National Carers Week.

At the Information Day attendees will be able to speak to a broad range of Government and private organisations linked to carer support and services.


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