Arts Mid North Coast crafts a new strategy for nurturing local talent

Arts Mid North Coast Executive Director Olivia Parker at the Creative Futures consultation event. Photo: Jay Black.

ARTS Mid North Coast (AMNC) has unveiled its strategic plan for 2025–2028, which expands its capacity to meet the needs of the growing region while continuing to nurture local talent and cultural initiatives.

As the leading not-for-profit organisation representing the creative sector, AMNC is dedicated to building the Mid North Coast into a regional creative capital.

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The organisation advocates for the arts, highlights the region’s creative potential, and provides opportunities for communities to engage with culture, arts, and the creative industries.

The strategy is based on insights from AMNC’s 2024 Creative Futures research, which engaged over 350 local artists, creative professionals, and stakeholders.

It focuses on four primary areas:

– Amplifying the Arts, by providing essential services to support and advocate for the region’s creative sector.

– Activating Creative Spaces, by ensuring the development and maintenance of affordable spaces for artistic and cultural activities.

– Promoting Diversity and Building Capacity, which includes supporting diverse artists, artforms and communities and expanding opportunities while strengthening the arts sector’s overall capacity and,

– Ensuring Long-term Sustainability, through diversifying funding sources via partnerships, philanthropy, and fee-for-service models.

“This represents a significant shift in direction for our organisation,” Arts Mid North Coast Executive Director Olivia Parker said.

“With this new strategic plan, we’re excited to create new opportunities for the arts sector, fostering growth, collaboration, and success.”

Board Chair of Arts Mid North Coast Susan Jenvey, said the strategic plan will lay the foundation for a thriving and sustainable arts ecosystem on the Mid North Coast.

“We are excited to further empower local artists, build new collaborations, and strengthen our advocacy for the arts at a regional level,” she said.

AMNC is calling out to local artists, creatives, and stakeholders, to get in touch to help turn the new vision into reality over the next four years.


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