Art group’s Mad Hatters Tea Party

Mad Hatters Tea Party organiser Mary Abbott.

THE Coffs Harbour Creative Arts Group (CHCAG) will welcome friends and visitors to their annual Mad Hatters Tea Party on Saturday in support of the CanDo Cancer Trust.

Mary Abbott, a long-standing CHCAG member, began the Mad Hatters Tea Party to support a local group where funds remain local.

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“The Mad Hatter is a way of putting the fun into fundraising, with members channeling their creativity into hats and sometimes entire outfits.

“Guests get into the fun too, vying for ‘Best Mad Hat’.

“I provide the prizes and keep them a mystery until they’re awarded.

“It’s challenging to narrow down the hat award, with four prizes – two adults and two children.

“We are also raffling a big hamper full of tea-time goodies, drawn on the day, as well as a lucky door prize,” said Mary.

Entry is by donation, with light refreshments provided.

The CanDo Cancer Trust assists patients and their families attending the North Coast Cancer Institute, established to ensure funds remain in the area and distributed to help those most in need in the local community.

With everyone involved in CanDo doing so voluntarily, 100 percent of funds received are distributed.

“Cancer in one way or another has affected many of our members,” said CHCAG President Sue Roberts.

“Holding this annual event for CanDo is important to us, and knowing all funds are used locally.

“We are proud of Mary’s initiative in creating and driving this fun event.”

The group’s next art exhibition is the ever popular ‘All Creatures Great & Small’, on display until 18 September.

“It’s amazing how varied all the artworks are within this common theme; this exhibition is one our gallery visitors and members alike enjoy immensely,” said Sue.

On display during the Mad Hatters Tea Party is members’ artwork featured in the ‘Mountains to the Sea’ exhibition, which closes on Wednesday 24 July.

For more information see the CHCAG website or Facebook page.

The Mad Hatters Tea Party will be held at the Coffs Harbour Showground Gallery at 2pm on Saturday 20 July.


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