‘Apron Project’ for domestic and family violence awareness comes to Coffs Harbour

Coffs Harbour CWA member Mandy Golden sews an apron which will be displayed at the CWA rooms for the Apron Project.

APRON making has begun in earnest as the Coffs Harbour Country Women’s Association (CWA) prepares to host Apron Project founder Sallianne McClelland on Wednesday 17 July.

In aid of women and children escaping domestic and family violence the Apron Project’s fundraising has totalled $60,000 through auctioning over 300 aprons online since the project started in 2015.

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Over 200 artists from around the world have contributed stitched, painted and beaded aprons over those nine years.

Coffs Harbour CWA has taken the baton to deliver an Apron Showcase to start conversations and raise awareness of domestic and family violence.

Sallianne’s presentation will share ways to empower vulnerable women to feel safe, secure, supported and equal in their communities.

“Anyone wanting to create an apron for the event is welcome to do so,” CWA Coffs Harbour Branch Vice President Ros Hopwood told News Of The Area.

This year’s theme encourages artists to present aprons that uplift, create connection and acknowledge the women who care, love and stand for us – our sisters.

“The emphasis is on a full-length apron or half apron in plain black or white material decorated with fabric or paint,” Ros said.

A selection of aprons will be auctioned on the day for Coffs Harbour’s Warrina Domestic and Family Violence Centre or taken by Sallianne to Alice Springs to be photographed by the Tangentyere Women’s Family Safety Group (TWFSG) and auctioned online.

The TWFSG is a group of First Nations women from Alice Springs who have been campaigning since 2014 to prevent domestic, family and sexual violence.

Apron makers can take their creations to the event at the Coffs Harbour CWA rooms on Dalley Street on 17 July.

If not attending, arrangements for delivery can be made via Ros’ email.

On the day there will also be a speaker from Warrina Domestic and Family Violence, and a police officer will talk about the NSW law changes on Coercive Control (Crimes Legislation Amendment) which came into effect on 1 July.

“We can only seat 45 in the CWA rooms so registration to attend is essential,” said Ros.

Morning tea will be served and a gold coin donation is appreciated.

Registration is required by 10 July to roshopwood123@gmail.com.au.


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