Apiarists thriving in Tilligerry

The Tilligerry Men’ Shed is helping the honey industry.


THERE at least two apiarists in Tilligerry, both selling local honey to the public.

The coastal blossom provides a rich source of nectar for the foraging bees.

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Clover on the Golf Club fairways, the paperbarks in the swampland and the various eucalypts are targeted by our buzzy little friends.

So are the heathland shrubs, one of which is a close relative of the plant that provides nectar for the famed ‘Manuka’ honey.

Many believe that the local leptospermum produces a more potent product than the New Zealand variety, however this honey can’t be marketed as ‘Manuka’ due to copyright.

A small 250g jar of this famed honey sells for $40.

If you drive through Campvale, you will see a sign: ‘Way 2 Bee.’ This is the base for a very large honey producing enterprise and Tilligerry Men’s Shed is playing a role in keeping it prosperous.

Already they have assembled some 3000 bee boxes from the imported flat packs with 1000 more in the pipeline.

The hives are mainly destined for rural areas west of the Great Divide where some of the best honey in NSW is produced.

In fact, Mudgee has been known for years as the honey capital of the state.

At its home base, ‘Way 2 Bee’ breeds queen bees.

The bulk of the raw honey goes to a Melbourne wholesaler.

Want to be part of the action?

Give Kevin Colman a buzz on 0407279844 and all will be revealed.



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