Annual Gresford show goes on despite heavy rain and mud

The baby animal petting zoo was a family favourite.

THE 93rd annual Gresford Show was held over the weekend with a wide range of events, competitions, and carnival rides.

The wet weather meant the show’s horse program and camp draft were cancelled but the show committee and attendees didn’t let the rain and the mud get them bogged down.

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“Everyone put on their mud boots to come and support the show,” Gresford Show secretary Elise Chesworth said.

“Considering the weather, it’s been a really great turnout with a really great crowd.

“We’re quite surprised with it actually.”

The post-splitting competition was a highlight.

The crowd in the grandstand watched eagerly as the entrants battled it out to chainsaw their posts and then split them with a hammer and a stake.

Other popular attractions included the baby animal petting zoo that had adorable pigs, ducks, chickens, and goats.

In another pavilion there were rabbits, chickens, and guinea pigs being judged.

“Pedro” took home the gold for the biggest guinea pig.

There were many craft and art competitions.

The beautiful landscape paintings included Leona Clements’ prize winning “Solace of the gumtree carabola”.


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