Anna Bay Tavern Fishing Club’s $5000 gift to Bay Charities


A great afternoon was had recently as members of the Anna Bay Tavern Fishing Club gave back to their local community.

“This year the club has really taken off and we are ready to start giving back to the community by way of donations to local charities and groups who need help,” Warren Leadbeatter told Bay News Of The Area.

“Members nominate a charity or group they would like to donate to and the committee signs off on who they think are the most needy and worthy,” Mr Leadbeatter said.

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This year,  Anna Bay Tavern Fishing Club raised $5000 and donated all of the money to local charities.

Three charities received a cheque for $1250, presented on Sunday afternoon at the Clubs monthly meet.

Taurie Lalor, President of the Tomaree Breast Cancer Support Group thanked the Club for their generosity.

The Tomaree Breast Cancer Support Group do not receive any financial grants from the government or agencies and rely solely on their own fundraising events and donations from other clubs and organisations.

“The generosity of the Anna Bay Tavern Fishing Club is greatly appreciated,” Taurie Lalor told Bay Ne ws Of The Area.

“The donation will be used to help breast cancer patients who are residents on the Tomaree Peninsular,” said Ms Lalor.

Anna Bay Public School P&C representative Renee Thompson, Josh Street and Narelle Robertson from Lifestyle Solutions and Firefighter, Chris Glen from Anna Bay Rural Fire Brigade were also  thrilled with the cheques that were presented to them on the day.



By  Jewell DRURY

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