Amendment Waste Management 2030 Strategy adopted by on MidCoast Council’s mind

THE amended MidCoast Waste Management Strategy 2030 has been adopted by the Council.

The MidCoast Waste Management Strategy 2030 provides a high-level roadmap for the strategic direction of Waste Services whilst also ensuring alignment with the NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041.

Community Consultation on the draft Strategy occurred between 30 June to 9 August 2022 and during this period twelve submissions were received.

Numerous amendments and additions to the plan were implemented following the public submissions.
These included:
● Public Place Recycling: Council will development and deliver a public place bin program over the next five years with the intent to upgrade bin infrastructure, analyse and improve the positioning of bins and improve access across the Council area to public place recycling infrastructure
● A FOGO service will be implemented across the MidCoast to reduce the amount of residual waste going to landfill.
● Waste and Resource Recovery Education Plan: a plan will be developed that tailors specific educational approaches to different development types, including seniors living.

Additionally, MidCoast Council goals noted in the Strategy include improving kerbside recycling rates and overall waste diversion rate, decreasing waste generation and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions from waste services.

MidCoast Council Waste Manager David Rees reported the purpose of the updated strategy was and is to align MidCoast Council’s Waste Management Strategy 2030 with MidCoast Councils Climate Change Action Plan and Net Zero Emissions targets set for 2040 and to meet or exceed the expectations laid out by the State Government in its Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041.

“It is essential that waste services are appropriately planned, procured and delivered to ensure the health and safety of the MidCoast Community; this includes maximising the reuse and repurposing of our resources,” Mr Rees said.

“As industry develops new recycling technologies, The Waste Management Strategy 2030 allows waste service the flexibility to alter processes to improve the sustainable management of waste and achieve the set targets and objectives.”


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