Aged care restrictions essential for health of most vulnerable

3-year-old Logan Lyne, visiting his great grandmother through the glass during restrictions


AS the region with the oldest average population in the State, Hawks Nest and Tea Gardens are naturally home to several retirement villages and aged care facilities.

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With the continued prevalence of COVID-19, local villages and facilities have had to institute rigid restrictions to preserve the health and safety of its residents.

Allyson Gregory, manager of residential aged care facility Peter Sinclair Gardens, shared with News Of The Area some of the precautions they’ve put in place.

“We’re in stage two which means visitors are now allowed back into our facility for up to two hours by appointment, to a maximum of two residents per day, for room visits only,” said Ms Gregory.

“All staff wear masks when interacting with residents, and social distancing and handwashing is practised.”

“Residents can leave the facility, but only for medical appointments or in special compassionate cases.”

Ms Gregory said that stages and restrictions are determined by their Risk Management Team, and based on a number of factors, including positive COVID-19 cases within 100 kilometre range in the last fortnight.

In the case of an approved exemption, visitors must also pass a number of requirements, such as undertaking a temperature check and a health declaration, be vaccinated for influenza, and having not visited a hot spot in the last 14 days.

“Our primary objective is to keep our most vulnerable elderly safe whilst ensuring they are still able to maintain contact with family and live fulfilling lives,” said Ms Gregory.

The facility helps facilitate Zoom meetings, and organises front door visits safely through the glass for families.

A resident at Peter Sinclair who preferred to remain nameless, said that while the restrictions are quite limiting, she understands and appreciates why they are in place.

“It’s frustrating but I’d rather be ‘locked down’ than catch the virus,” she said.


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