ADVERTISING FEATURE: Who said learning had to be hard?

U3A watercolour workshop held in April 2022 with course leader Pat Winnett, member of the Victorian Watercolour Society.

EVER wanted to learn how to write a memoir?

A new language?

How to surf?

Now’s your chance.

University of the Third Age is a community-driven learning hub for older people who are keen to get up, get out and keep learning.

For a small annual fee, you can become a member of U3A today.

Whether you’re in full retirement or just have a little time on your hands, U3A has a broad range of courses and classes ready to spark your brain: from astronomy, French, Scrabble, and art to Australian history, mindful yoga, tai chi and more.

Classes are held in venues throughout the city from Woolgoolga to Bonville, Monday to Friday.

Find out more at

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