ADVERTISING FEATURE: Supporting communities to thrive with Rotary

Rotary members Tony James, Steve Millward, Horrie Brauer, Grahame Kell, Rob Avery, Barry Folpp and Mike Brown.

ROTARY is a worldwide non-profit service organisation.

Its members are welcome irrespective of their race, colour, creed, religion, gender or political persuasion.

Rotary began in February 1905 in Chicago in the United States when Paul Harris, an attorney, brought together a small group of businessmen for companionship and their mutual benefit.

This meeting started what was to become the worldwide organisation we recognise as Rotary.

There are now more than 1.4 million Rotarians and they live in over 200 countries.

In addition there are numerous Interact clubs for school students and Rotaract clubs for young adults which fall under the Rotary umbrella.

Rotarians volunteer both locally and internationally and each club has its own projects.

Rotary helps to provide clean water and sanitation and supports education and health projects.

It helps to protect the environment and supports mothers and children.

It helps local economies to grow.

It involves youth in several programmes and provides peace scholarships to aid a better world.

Clubs hold regular meetings with theme nights and guest speakers.

Some clubs meet during the day whilst others hold evening meetings.

Every Rotary club needs an active membership because without it, it cannot contribute to the local community nor participate in international projects.

Fundraising projects vary from club to club.

Volunteering to join Rotary helps our Rotary clubs to thrive but also provides personal rewards and increases the opportunity for friendship and support.

Enquire about joining Rotary.

You will be delighted and so will your club!

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