Advertising feature: General practice availability at Lakewood Health Precinct

The faces of Your Family Practice.

THE medical centre at Lakewood Health Precinct continues to flourish to meet the increasing demands of the Camden Haven community.

Your Family Practice continues to be steered for the future by Practice Manager/CEO Deidre and a very involved and proactive Board of Directors.

Seven GPs provide service, including three female GPs every week, and there are two new GPs joining the staff shortly – another female and male.

“We have been fortunate enough to attract quality overseas trained GPs to relocate to Camden Haven, and set up their families and future in the Port Macquarie LGA,” the Your Family Practice team said.

“The experience, knowledge and willingness to become part of our community only makes these new GPs welcome here.”

Dr Para is originally from India but a longer term ‘Aussie’, while Dr Marzie Esmaeili and Dr Kasra Meshkinnejad are both from Iran.

All three internationally trained GPs have commenced, or are close to commencing, their final training to gain membership to the Fellowship of General Practice in Australia.

Their families are settled in the region, and they are long term permanent GPs.

Dr Calvin Mok has successfully completed his training and early in the new year gained membership to the Fellowship of General Practitioners.

Drs Murt Ahmed, Fu Chong and Camellia Chooi continue to supply steady leadership to the GPs and provide excellent medical care to their patients.

The nursing team has been increased over the past year to be led by Amanda, and assisted by highly qualified nurses Bel, Gaylene and Hayley.

Each has the highest level of training for practice nurses, and each has their own specialities, including women’s care, chronic health nursing, wound care, midwifery, early childhood nursing, and immunisations.

The Your Family Practice admin team has also been increased, with two new members.

All team members are trained in customer service and provide confidential and helpful support to patients.

The Admin team includes Melissa, Tracey, Wendy, Therese, Natalie and Kyle.

“Our books are open for new patients for Drs Calvin, Kasra, Para and Marzie – so enquire with the admin team and make an appointment to secure your local GP service.

“YFP continues to be a mixed billing service, with some bulk billing and private billing for services provided by our GPs.”

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