Adventures call our young

Puppetry action is coming to Jetty Theatre next month.. Photo: Thomas McCAMMON.

A PUPPETRY show with a penchant for silliness and some good Australian sounds is coming to Coffs Harbour.

On a perfect, balmy night, the clear outback sky lit up with thousands of stars, a sleep-deprived camper, a cheeky quokka and an emu with a penchant for creating wild inventions, awake to
discover that a koala has come down with a stubborn and ear-shatteringly loud case of the hiccups.

Hiccup! is an hilarious theatrical experience for the whole family, blending left-of-field humour with
psychedelic rock that speaks to Australian children about our unique home and the incredible
animals that inhabit it.

The non-stop jokes and engaging easy-to-follow plot will keep kids on the edge of their seats, while essential lessons about friendship and trying your best are seamlessly mixed in.

Our likable protagonist Eddie (played by Adelaide stage favourite Nathan O’Keefe) is supported by inventive puppetry, beautiful lighting design and a dreamscape set in vivid colours and exaggerated proportions.

Inspired by a trip to the Muppets Museum on a New York holiday, writers/directors Jude Henshall and Ellen Steele wanted to create a show that pays homage to the technicolour silliness of the
classic children’s production with a distinctive Australian twist.

Also, on board as composer is Ross McHenry, award-winning bassist and one of the founding members of Shoalin Afronauts.

Ross recorded all the super-catchy songs for Hiccup on a 2-inch tape to give it an authentic 70s sound.

It’s certainly a departure from the usual saccharine sweet flavour of kids’ music, a welcome reprieve for parents and a great chance to broaden the horizon for the kids.

To accompany The Jetty’s school performances on Friday 1 September, Windmill Productions have put together a comprehensive study guide for educators including specific learning activities linked to the Australian curriculum for F-2 and Years 3-4, which include the learning outcomes of literacy, critical and creative thinking, intercultural understanding, numeracy, personal and social capability, ICT capability and ethical understanding.

A special school group price is available.

On Friday September 1 threw will school performances, with the public welcome, at 10am and noon.

On Saturday September 2 there will be a performance at 10am.

Writers Jude Henshall and Ellen Steele were inspired by a visit to the Muppet Museum in New York. Photo: Thomas McCAMMON.

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