A thank you day held at the Macksville Country Club for first responders to recent bushfires

First responders Matt Ellis and Geoff Galvin from NSW Ambulance service.


SUNDAY June 20 was the day the Macksville Country Club gave back to the region’s first responders.

Desma Hughes, a Board Member at the Macksville Country Club, searches high and low for any grants the Club can apply for that might be beneficial to the Nambucca Valley community.

When a grant through the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements – (known as DRFA- Bushfire Community resilience fund) became available the first thought that came to her mind was the first responders in the area.

The Nambucca Valley has taken its fair share of hard knocks over the past eighteen months.

Drought, bushfires, a pandemic and a flood have all decided to pay the Nambucca Valley a visit.

Desma and the Board of the Macksville Country Club wanted to show thanks and appreciation on behalf of the Nambucca Valley community to the first responders, so they immediately applied for the grant.

It was a lengthy process with a lot of volunteer time going into the drafting of the application and the setting out a plan of the projected event.

The grant was successful!

It was then time for the Club to start the ball rolling on this special event of thanks for these amazing people.

“We sent letters to all first responders in the area that we knew had a helping hand in the bushfires.

“These people were from the Rural Fire Service, State Emergency Service, First Responders Network, Ambulance and Police.

“They were all invited to the special day we had planned as a way the community could thank them for their help and contributions,” Desma told News Of The Area.

The event started at 9:00am on Sunday morning.

All special guests and their families had access to games of golf, golf buggies, golf clubs, tees and any other equipment they needed.

They also had full access to the bowling green.

“There were some people who have never had a game of bowls before,” Desma said.

A barbeque lunch with delicious side salads was served as well as a choice of two alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages for the adults.

This was followed by tea, coffee and a decadent range of sweets.

“Everyone was so thankful and felt looked after,” Desma said.

“It was so great to see them having a wonderful time.”

The day had no time limit, all guests were welcome to stay as long as they liked, playing as many games of golf or bowls as they wished to play.

The first responders that came to the event travelled from near and far.

Members of the South West Rocks RFS and the Kempsey RFS who participated in helping the Nambucca Valley during our time of need and were very thankful to have been invited to this marvellous event and happily attended.

“It was amazing to see that so many people that helped in the bush fires came along.

“It was also interesting to see how many of the first responders were families.

“Mums and sons, dads and sons, even entire families were part of the RFS,” Desma said.




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