A gift from the wilds: Sooty Oystercatchers

DEAR News of the Area,

Regular visitors to the newly-emerging tidal sand flats at the Coffs Jetty boat ramp are a small group of Sooty Oystercatchers, considered a vulnerable species in NSW.

The Sooty Oystercatchers are striking black shorebirds with a long red bill, red eye and pink legs.

Human visitors to the boat ramp of late are regularly seen shaking their heads in astonishment .

The Sooty Oystercatchers display a similar head shake but used to greater effect in dislodging local shellfish from their protective enclosures.

The continuous operation of a “saltwater” excavator at the boat ramp seems a determination to make the expanded habitat for the Sooty Oystercatchers only a temporary feature and unlikely to lead to a downgrading of their vulnerable conservation status.

In the meantime these striking birds and lucky boardriders are enjoying a brief enrichment during these otherwise grim times.

Ashley LOVE,
Coffs Harbour.

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