A day of nature-based workshops at LUSC

A range of interesting and unique speakers will present on nature-based issues. Photo: Peter West.

FIVE local Landcare groups have collaborated to organise a day of nature-based workshops on Saturday 13 July at Laurieton United Services Club from 10.30-3.30 pm.

The workshops, a morning cuppa and lunch will be free.

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The day will be divided into three sessions, with participants able to attend whichever they like.

Les Mitchell from Port Macquarie Landcare, with his expert background in botany and ecology, will talk about the fast-emerging concept of urban microforests.

This involves creating ‘multi-storey habitats’ on small pockets of urban land.

Snake breeder and reptile expert Michael Banicek will demonstrate how he has created a variety of habitats in his urban garden, and the astonishing array of fauna such as frogs and lizards that have been attracted to it and now flourish there.

Two community members well-known for their commitment to helping save these endangered native bees will explore this topic.

Diane Norris will provide a presentation and Jim Marchment will demonstrate how to build a native bee hotel.

Butterfly and moth expert Tony Moore will present fascinating information about the role that insects play in creating healthy gardens and environments.

Sue Baker from Dunbogan and Laurieton Landcare will address the issue of invasion and spread of weeds such as bitou bush, lantana and morning glory vine.

“This is a problem now so serious in transforming our ecosystems that they are listed nationally as ‘Key Threatening Processes’ to our ecosystems,” Sue said.

With a strong background in ecology, John Broadbent, who is currently writing a book about the flora and fauna of Camden Haven, will talk about native fauna including several endangered species that call our area home.

Bookings are essential.

Full information including how to book is available at https://hastingslandcare.org.au.

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