A City Of Parks And Gardens Would Benefit All Says Cr Cassell

JONATHAN Cassell would like to see Coffs Harbour become known as the “City of Parks and Gardens”.

His vision is to strengthen Coffs Harbour’s connection to nature and to appeal to tourists through attractive parks and gardens.

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“The Coffs Coast is one of the most beautiful places in Australia and I‘d like to see our region enhanced with a network of connected parks and gardens,” Cr Cassell said.

“This network already exists in part with the highly popular Botanic Gardens, but we can expand.

“The Jetty Foreshores is vital to this plan and would be the jewel in the crown of our Coffs Coast community with a world-class parkland area.”

He said the construction of private multi-storey residential accommodation at the Jetty would kill off this idea.

“The Jetty parkland should have a field that can accommodate people playing a game of soccer during the day and an event space for concerts at night.

Cr Cassell supports the City of Coffs Harbour Council’s concept plan for the area but says it is yet to be tested through a consultation process.

He would like to see it placed on exhibition and include the opportunity for low-scale tourism accommodation.

This could include a new Jetty Beach Holiday Park with cabins north of Marina Drive or around the ex-Deep Sea Fishing Club site, to help support the maintenance costs of the Jetty Foreshores parkland and provide a revenue stream for Council.

Cr Cassell says that a City of Parks and Gardens policy and strategic plan would need to be developed.

“I imagine the Botanic Gardens, Brelsford Park, City Hill and the Jetty Foreshores all connected by a vibrant Coffs Creek walk.

“Private garden competitions could also be a feature of this initiative.”

Cr Cassell said connected public parks of varied sizes, within a few minutes’ walk from where people live and work, would benefit the community’s health and economic prosperity as green spaces become increasingly important as populations grow.

“I’d also like to see a public holiday created to host a one-day Parks and Gardens Festival and take a leaf out of the Toowoomba Festival of Flowers, which is in its 75th year.

“A well-planned park network would beautify our region and keep us cooler on hot summer days, and there would be an economic benefit for the community since we are now an eco-certified destination.

“I’m going to champion this in the next term but we must stop privatisation at the Jetty first.”

By Andrew VIVIAN

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