A celebration of Natural Diversity by local artists at Dorrigo Rainforest Centre

Carol Simons, Sandy Robinson, Penel Gamble, Chetan Bloemhard and Carole Helman, celebrating having just delivered their artworks for their Dorrigo Rainforest Centre exhibition.


DORRIGO Rainforest Centre Exhibition Space is hosting the Natural Diversity exhibition – a collaboration between five local artists.

Carole Helman told News Of The Area, “Our work celebrates the joy nature’s beauty inspires in us.

“Fascination with the natural world moves us to awe and a desire to express our appreciation through art, both serious and playful.

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“Ecological connections and the vulnerability in interdependencies fascinate us as well as raising deep concern.

“It is wonderful if the viewer connects with our art on the level of appreciating the beauty of nature, and also wonderful if that helps spread appreciation of the importance of protecting our amazing biodiversity.”

Carol Simons’ paintings and drawings use water colour, ink and acrylics to create a range from subtle atmospheric impressions to bold interpretations.

Her intrigue with the variety in detail between tree bark patterns, and the infinite variety of seeds, cones, leaves and flowers is evident in her work.

Penel Gamble has worked in illustration for children’s books.

Storytelling and a sense of playfulness shine through her exquisite watercolor or acrylic paintings and drawings, in which nature’s creatures often make an appearance.

Through painting, Chetan Bloemhard works without a fixed idea, to explore the seen and unseen in the natural world, allowing the unknown to come to the fore in unexpected colours and forms.

Touches of gold are a common thread through her work, “to remind us that all of nature came from stardust”, she said.

A lifetime of living, studying and working in the bush tuned Carole Helman into the exquisiteness of patterns in nature and ecological interconnection.

Her painting, drawing, printmaking and un-enhanced nature photography focus on nature’s patterns and celebrate the importance of biodiversity.

Ceramicist Sandy Robinson works with porcelain, stoneware and raku clays to create stunning ceramics to decorate living spaces, and also beautiful everyday functional ware.

“Sandy decorates her works in colour, texture and other markings, to tie our exhibitions together beautifully,” said Carole.

For info: https://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/things-to-do/visitor-centres/dorrigo-rainforest-centre.




Local artists’ Natural Diversity exhibition at Dorrigo Rainforest Centre

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