68 Years Of Volunteering On The Water At Lemon Tree Passage

Steve Vautier, Deputy Unit Commander, Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington and Richard Osborne OAM.

MARINE Rescue are the volunteers that head out onto the water, often in dangerous conditions, to help boaties in need of aid.

From engines that won’t go, to dismasted yachts, the team at Marine Rescue are often the only help available.

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They tow home boats that can’t make their own way, and rescue people from the water.

The team at Marine Rescue Lemon Tree Passage are farewelling two long standing unit members who between them have notched up an extraordinary 68 years of dedicated service to the local boating community.

Richard Osborne OAM has served the local boating community for 40 years, with his wife Diane Wilson having contributed a further 28 years of distinguished service.

Richard joined the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association (AVCGA) as an associate member in 1982 when the Lemon Tree Passage base was just a concrete shed in a member’s backyard.

Richard was heavily involved in building the current base in Whitbread Drive, and in 1992 commenced his first of two terms as Flotilla Commander.

A qualified Radio Operator, Richard was also the Captain of Communications for the AVCGA NSW Squadron, and was involved in the total rebuild of the Norah Head radio base and Swansea Coast Guard, and the total rewire of the Coast Guard at South Head.

In 2010, Richard was involved in the transition from AVCG to Marine Rescue NSW with two further terms as Unit Commander, and more recently, as Deputy Unit Commander.

An active member of the local community, in 2008 Richard received the Medal of the Order of Australia for his services to the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association and NSW Rural Fire Service.

Diane Wilson commenced with the AVCGA in 1994, being an extremely active member as a Boat Crew, Radio Operator, Welfare Officer and Catering Officer, and working tirelessly behind the scenes in planning and organising for both the AVCGA and Marine Rescue Lemon Tree Passage.

Marine Rescue Deputy Commissioner Operations Alex Barrell said that both members epitomised the selfless dedication of members of the Service.

“Members such as Richard and Diane are the backbone of volunteer organisations, and their many years of experience and dedication in mentoring of new members will be sorely missed,” Deputy Commissioner Barrell said.

“I’d like to extend a personal thank you to both of them for their service and wish them well in their future endeavours.”

In recognition of Richard and Diane’s distinguished long service, a farewell dinner is being held on Tuesday, 15 November at Tilligerry RSL Sports Club.

Marine Rescue Lemon Tree Pasage welcomes new members to assist in their work, positions can be land or sea based and training is provided.


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