$4.2 million Avenue of the Allies reconstruction complete

Cr Steve Tucker, Port Stephens MP Kate Washington, Paterson MP Meryl Swanson, Cr Leah Anderson and Cr Jason Wells.

THE $4.2 million reconstruction of the Avenue of the Allies in Tanilba Bay is officially complete, the result of a funding partnership between state, federal and local governments.

The project involved the reconstruction and widening of the area between Poilus Parade and King Albert Avenue.

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The heritage-listed location’s deteriorating road surface has been overhauled, with improved intersection layouts, and upgraded drainage and kerbs boosting its overall safety – and reducing its long-term maintenance.

“This vital upgrade enhances safety for drivers and pedestrians alike, ensuring everyone can enjoy this historic area,” Port Stephens Mayor Ryan Palmer said.

“The Avenue of the Allies holds a special place in Tanilba Bay’s heart, featuring the iconic stone arched gateways commemorating the first settler’s arrival in 1831.”

The road’s condition had significantly declined in recent years, prompting calls for action from the community.

“We’ve addressed these concerns by building upon previous works, which included upgrading the south entrance with a roundabout and constructing a shared pathway along the entire avenue in 2021 – this latest project has truly transformed Avenue of the Allies,” Mayor Palmer said.

“Pavement widening, improved drainage, kerb installation, clear line marking, and safer intersections have created a road that we can all be proud of.

“The Port Stephens region is experiencing rapid growth, and we’re committed to ensuring our infrastructure keeps pace, from residential areas to key tourist routes.

“Funding initiatives like those that have supported this project allow us to achieve that goal.”

Member for Port Stephens Kate Washingon said locals had been “crying out for years for the Avenue of the Allies to be fixed”.

“Thanks to all levels of government working together, it’s finally been done,” she said.

“The beautiful town of Tanilba looks even more impressive now, with the upgraded Avenue of the Allies providing the perfect entrance for locals and visitors alike.”

Member for Paterson Meryl Swanson said local roads across her electorate are “ageing and under growing demand”.

“The community came together to advocate for upgrades to the Avenue of the Allies, which is why I’ve worked closely with Port Stephens Council to ensure that federal support could get this project off the ground.”

The Federal Government pitched in $1.2 million, the State Government $1.5 million and Port Stephens Council contributed $1.4 million.

For more information on the Avenue of the Allies project, visit: pscouncil.info/avenue-of-the-allies

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