104.1 CHYFM offers school holiday workshop in real live radio

104.1 CHYFM, Coffs Harbour Youth Community Radio runs its On-Air Presenter workshop in the real life, real radio station studio setting.

104.1 CHYFM, Coffs Harbour Youth Community Radio, is running its popular On-Air Presenter workshop over five days during the September School Holidays.

From Monday 25 to Friday 29 September, 10am until 3pm every day, it is a comprehensive and practical, hands-on course.

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“We have specifically designed the On-Air Presenter workshop for Year 7 to 12 students with an interest in broadcast media,” Station Manager Angie Vaughan told News Of The Area.

The workshops are industry based and delivered by industry professionals with extensive broadcasting experience.

The On-Air Presenter course covers: your voice and how to use it, content creation, studio operation, interview techniques, program production and development.

“104.1 CHYFM wants more youth voices on-air and making their mark in this fantastic industry,” said Angie.

“If you enjoy meeting and talking with interesting people, love music and want to be a voice in the community, this workshop will give you all the skills and confidence to do so.”

Places are limited to ensure all participants receive exceptional, professional training and mentoring and are ‘performance ready’ and confident to get behind the mic.

The station management prides itself on providing a continual range of relevant industry-based training and mentoring by experienced industry professionals.

“104.1 CHYFM offers ongoing mentoring through program development, skills diversification and real broadcasting opportunities.”

Its industry-standard broadcast studios use the same digital equipment and broadcast playout system as Austereo and NOVA, so on-air presenters get real-life experience, and the opportunities are endless.

“104.1 CHYFM is real radio with listeners locally, nationally and internationally,” said Angie.

The station’s former on-air presenters have gone on to exciting media careers, including Matt DeGroot (NOVA 96.9 Sydney newsreader), Alison Paul (NBN News) and Claire Simmonds (Channel 7, Coffs Harbour).

Creative Kids vouchers are accepted.

For more information and to book your spot, call 02 6651 1104 or email info@chyfm.org.au.


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