Tomago Aluminium workers support region’s homeless and vulnerable

StreetCare patrons came onsite to receive their cheque and presented Tomago Aluminium with a special painting to express their thanks.

TOMAGO Aluminium is one business that can’t simply close for Christmas Day.

Just as farmers still milk cows, the plant runs all year round.

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As a show of goodwill, Tomago employees rostered on to work on Christmas day are always treated to a hot Christmas lunch, however many of the workforce chose to forfeit their lunch and asked the business to donate the money to StreetCare Homeless Support and Crisis Care instead.

StreetCare provides street-based care services to the homeless and those at risk of homelessness in Newcastle and were incredibly thankful for the $3,250 donation, which went a long way to feeding the homeless throughout the Christmas period.

StreetCare’s Jodi Duffield said, “Wow, this is so incredibly generous we thank you so very much.

“StreetCare and the vulnerable people of Newcastle thank you from the bottom of our hearts!”

With the spirit of giving in full swing, employees also pulled together and ran a Christmas appeal onsite for vulnerable families and delivered a ute full of new scooters and toys, Christmas food, chocolates and gifts to Survivor’s R Us on Friday the 2 December.

Founder of Survivor’s R Us, Ann-Maria Martin, was overwhelmed by the response from Tomago employees and said there would be a lot of very happy kids at Christmas.

“A huge thank you to the workers at Tomago Aluminium, you are all amazing.

“Thank you so very much for all the wonderful food and toys, the families will love them, thank you,” she said prior to Christmas.

The business also rewards every employee each year with a Christmas ham to thank them for their hard work and many choose instead to donate theirs to charity.

Last year the hams were donated to Soul Café and OzHarvest to feed the homeless and vulnerable community in Newcastle.

Tomago Aluminium has a strong culture of giving back to the community and supporting the big causes through an award-winning Workplace Giving Program.

Through the company’s Workplace Giving Program, which has a very high participation rate, Tomago Aluminium employees and the company donated $218,660 throughout the year across multiple worthwhile charities and organisations.


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