Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club

Runners Up Fours Championship Dawn May, Ingrid Luck, Deyone Page and Sandra Leisemann with the winners Gay Pezet, Bev Harrington, Maynie Roberts and Jeanette Emmett.

TUESDAY 11 February

The final of the Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club Championship Fours was played by Jeanette Emmett, Maynie Roberts, Bev Harrington and Gay Pezet v Dawn May, Ingrid Luck, Deyonne Page and Sandra Leisemann.

Gay’s team started strongly on the 4th end the score was 7 to nil, by the 12th end they had increased their lead to 9 shots, 15 v 6.

Things changed from here on Deyonne with her second bowl did a drive, picked up the Jack, her bowl went with it and the Jack landed where her team mates had left 4 bowls, now with so many bowls in front a very difficult situation for the Skips to draw in.

Sandra managed to get 1 of her bowls there thus giving them 6 points this end, now they were just losing by 3 shots 15 v 12.

Gay’s team seemed a bit “shaken” following this, Sandra’s were inspired. Eight ends left to bowl; each team won four ends Gay’s managing to hang on to their 3 point lead winning this Final 20 v 17.

Great bowling by all competitors, the spectators thoroughly enjoyed watching this Competition.

Social bowls played 2 games of 3 bowls Pairs and a game of 2 bowls Triples all 18 ends, Jan Coomer a “Swinger Lead” in the Triples game.

Results as follows:

A win to Lyn Nightingale and Judy McGavock 14 v Precy Swaddling and Carolyn Fredericks 13.

Jan, Jo Plummer and Karen Green 19 v Jan, Dot Dallas and Bette Saillard 13 and finally Jane Uff and Dawn Jones defeated Vicki McMillan and Jean Glover 22 v 11.

The winners on the day winning with the lowest score were Lyn and Judy.

Thursday 13 February: Format for play 3 games of 3 bowls Triples, Jean Glover “Swinger Lead” and a game of four bowls Pairs all 12 ends.

A very close contest between Vicki McMillan, Lynda Richards and Gay Pezet v Sue Morris, Lyn Nightingale and Robyn Webster, Gay’s ladies winning 10 v 8.

In the Pairs game the score was close up until the 6th end, Ingrid Luck and Bev Harrington 11 v Bev Dunn and Judi Polak 7, Ingrid and Bev won the next 6 ends claiming victory 24 v 7. Not entirely sure how to report on the next game Deb Gardner, Deyonne Page and Bette Saillard won 11 out of the 12 ends bowled, it actually took 9 ends before Dorothy Thompson, Kris McDonald and Dale Winter scored, naturally the winners were Bette’s team 18 v 3.

A good win for Jean, Maryanne Cuss and Karen Green 16 v Jean, Maureen Campbell and Sandra Leisemann 7.

The winners on the day winning with the lowest score were Vicki, Lynda and Gay.

Following a Special Meeting of TGWBC members it has been approved by a majority of votes to allow TGMBC members to bowl with us on a Thursday, for a trial period of 6 months.

Format for bowls will be as before 12 ends.


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