TUESDAY 11 February
The final of the Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club Championship Fours was played by Jeanette Emmett, Maynie Roberts, Bev Harrington and Gay Pezet v Dawn May, Ingrid Luck, Deyonne Page and Sandra Leisemann.
Gay’s team started strongly on the 4th end the score was 7 to nil, by the 12th end they had increased their lead to 9 shots, 15 v 6.
Things changed from here on Deyonne with her second bowl did a drive, picked up the Jack, her bowl went with it and the Jack landed where her team mates had left 4 bowls, now with so many bowls in front a very difficult situation for the Skips to draw in.
Sandra managed to get 1 of her bowls there thus giving them 6 points this end, now they were just losing by 3 shots 15 v 12.
Gay’s team seemed a bit “shaken” following this, Sandra’s were inspired. Eight ends left to bowl; each team won four ends Gay’s managing to hang on to their 3 point lead winning this Final 20 v 17.
Great bowling by all competitors, the spectators thoroughly enjoyed watching this Competition.
Social bowls played 2 games of 3 bowls Pairs and a game of 2 bowls Triples all 18 ends, Jan Coomer a “Swinger Lead” in the Triples game.
Results as follows:
A win to Lyn Nightingale and Judy McGavock 14 v Precy Swaddling and Carolyn Fredericks 13.
Jan, Jo Plummer and Karen Green 19 v Jan, Dot Dallas and Bette Saillard 13 and finally Jane Uff and Dawn Jones defeated Vicki McMillan and Jean Glover 22 v 11.
The winners on the day winning with the lowest score were Lyn and Judy.
Thursday 13 February: Format for play 3 games of 3 bowls Triples, Jean Glover “Swinger Lead” and a game of four bowls Pairs all 12 ends.
A very close contest between Vicki McMillan, Lynda Richards and Gay Pezet v Sue Morris, Lyn Nightingale and Robyn Webster, Gay’s ladies winning 10 v 8.
In the Pairs game the score was close up until the 6th end, Ingrid Luck and Bev Harrington 11 v Bev Dunn and Judi Polak 7, Ingrid and Bev won the next 6 ends claiming victory 24 v 7. Not entirely sure how to report on the next game Deb Gardner, Deyonne Page and Bette Saillard won 11 out of the 12 ends bowled, it actually took 9 ends before Dorothy Thompson, Kris McDonald and Dale Winter scored, naturally the winners were Bette’s team 18 v 3.
A good win for Jean, Maryanne Cuss and Karen Green 16 v Jean, Maureen Campbell and Sandra Leisemann 7.
The winners on the day winning with the lowest score were Vicki, Lynda and Gay.
Following a Special Meeting of TGWBC members it has been approved by a majority of votes to allow TGMBC members to bowl with us on a Thursday, for a trial period of 6 months.
Format for bowls will be as before 12 ends.