MidCoast Council formed local representation and Advisory Group FEATURED MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - June 23, 2016 MIDCOAST Council has formed a Local Representation Committee and an Implementation Advisory Group and announced the appointment of local community members to each. The purpose of the LRC is to advise the Administrator in developing several core documents for the new Council, including the operational plans, communication and engagement plan, and
Bulahdelah Bowling Club transformed Bulahdelah, Wootton, Nerong FEATURED Photo Gallery by News Of The Area - Modern Media - June 13, 2016June 13, 2016 Bulahdelah Bowling Club was transformed into a magical ballroom for the Show Society’s formal Cocktail and Dinner Dance held last weekend. The extravagant social event was a chance for Show Committee members and the community to enjoy a fun night out together away from the demands of organisation for the show. With
Disaster Contigency Planning Committee at Karuah FEATURED Karuah, North Arm Cove by NOTA - August 5, 2015 The town of Karuah have put their heads together since the cyclonic storms back in April, gathering some wise locals to form the Karuah Disaster committee, stemming from an idea raised at the storm recovery meetings back in April. Committee members have recently held the second monthly meeting brain storming ideas to