Bridge is playing in support of Alzheimer’s and dementia research Tea Gardens, Hawks Nest by NOTA - May 6, 2015 Did you know that people in Tea Gardens are using their brain power to fight dementia this week? During the first week of May, bridge players from Hawks Nest Bridge Club have been using their brains to raise vital funds for Alzheimer’s and dementia research. The Bridge for Brain Research Challenge, is a
Shelter Box initative from Myall Coast Rotary Tea Gardens, Hawks Nest by NOTA - April 29, 2015 The Rotary Club of Myall Coast continues its very active programs to serve the community, both locally and beyond. Wherever natural or manmade disasters strike, Rotary is there to provide assistance in the form of the Rotary inspired “ShelterBox”. To support this humanitarian cause, ShelterBox, the Rotary Club is organising a theatre afternoon
Ruby Keys, Bulahdelah student, takes humanitarian approach Bulahdelah, Wootton, Nerong FEATURED by NOTA - April 8, 2015April 8, 2015 A drama excursion is held each February in Sydney and is run by the Humanities Department of Bulahdelah Central School. Ruby Keys is a Year 11 student who has attended these Drama Excursions for a few years now. But instead of just appreciating theatre and shows in Sydney, Ruby took time out
Stephen Bromhead supports Relay for Life campaign MidCoast LGA (overall news) by NOTA - December 4, 2014 The Cancer Council used the recent Manning Valley Relay For Life to launch their newest advocacy campaign, Saving Life 2015. Participants at the relay were asked to have a photo in our #changestartshere photo frame to show their commitment to advocating for better cancer services throughout the Manning Valley. The first person