Medowie Celebrates Book Week FEATURED Medowie, Ferodale, Campvale by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 31, 2016 THE Children’s Book Council of Australia every year brings children and books together by encouraging Schools, Libraries, booksellers, Authors and Illustrators to celebrate Book Week. Medowie joined in the celebrations and all schools took part in this year’s festivities hosting book parades through the week. This year’s theme for book week was
Carolyn Burrows writing and publishing a book titled Bridges Over The Myall FEATURED MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 31, 2016August 31, 2016 A PASSION for bridges led Carolyn Burrows to writing and publishing a book titled “Bridges Over The Myall.” The book details the history 15 bridges in the local area including major bridges in Tea Gardens and Bulahdelah and a number of smaller historical structures on private land. Mrs Burrows said the idea
Tea Gardens: National Op Shop Week FEATURED Tea Gardens, Hawks Nest by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 23, 2016 IT’S National Op Shop Week, a time when we’re all encouraged to “Op ‘til we Drop.” The campaign is aimed at promoting our local Op Shops as places to find that special outfit, rare book, or piece of crockery or cutlery that’s not going to break the bank. Op Shop Week also