OPINION: Grandpa’s Scrub

DEAR News Of The Area

I am astounded at the blatant disregard for the health of the forests and their inhabitants around the Coffs Harbour area.

After reading the article entitled “Transport for NSW on offsets” in the December 30, 2022 edition of your publication, I am pleased that Transport for NSW is trying to find a way around the pocket remnant known as “Grandpa’s Scrub”, home to centuries-old trees and vines, many of which are exceedingly rare and endangered.

Nevertheless, for Transport for NSW to state that they are making “like for like” biodiversity offsets by transplanting saplings, taking cuttings and seeds for planting elsewhere is inaccurate. Animals and birds need the nooks and crannies and nesting holes that can only be found in the OLD trees. Do the animals have to wait for 100 years or more to be able to find these nesting places again?

This is NOT “like for like”.

In the past 200 years we have destroyed so much of nature and heritage that now each remnant of subtropical rainforest is precious habitat. The highly endangered trees, vines and creatures that make up this particular remnant should be nurtured not bulldozed. I think we humans can manage to slow down on an extra curve.

“Another years’ delay? Another $50 million?” Who didn’t do their homework?

Eve Colley.
Coffs Harbour.

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