OPINION: Caution required in Council elections


DEAR News Of The Area,

IT seems that we have to be doubly cautious when considering our vote for local government.

It is common in higher levels of government to use misinformation as well as denigration of other candidates in order to win support but in local government this takes on a far more personal aspect and can be permanently damaging for people living in the community.

Just as the progress of the CCS (now named Yarrila Place) was fraught with half truth and downright untruth causing mistrust to grow in the community I can already see that the trend is beginning to ramp up as the election gets closer, and it is dispiriting to note that it is a new thing in Coffs harbour elections.

This has the potential to discourage otherwise excellent candidates from putting themselves forward, especially women.

We all need to test the facts before getting carried away by rumour and attacks on prospective candidates’ reputations.

There is no law requiring truth in political claims but we are all capable of contacting the various council members when we are unsure of the basis.

I guess a good principle is “don’t believe everything you hear – or read”.

Margaret ENGLAND,

3 thoughts on “OPINION: Caution required in Council elections

  1. Yes one of the candidates is running a very negative campaign filled with half truths and inuendo. Not a good word to say about anything.
    This is not how to win friends and influence people.

  2. Thank you, Margaret for bringing this to light. I too am disheartened to see the erosion of the standard of campaigning in local politics by some, and one in particular. We need unity, not divisiveness.

  3. Thankyou Margaret. Clearly, there is some fantastic NEW blood coming to Council. I am really looking forward to some transparency at last. I have been incredibly impressed by one contender who has been very open and informative about all facets of improvement and change required in our LGA, even after he has had a recent proven case of defamation against him.

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