OPINION: Ashamed of Coffs Harbour

DEAR News Of The Area,

I ATTENDED the performance of Music of the Night at the C.ex last Saturday.

The performers did a wonderful show, but were severely hampered by the appalling venue. There was no tiered seating and due to the poor acoustics, the sound volume was way over the top (most of us had to take our hearing aids out!).

Also, we were seated at tables where we looked at the stage sideways, which gave me a stiff neck as well as a sore bum.

I was ashamed that Coffs Harbour could not provide a better venue for a great performance to an audience of 500-plus.

We came to Coffs Harbour nearly 25 years ago and the pressing issues then were: the need for a bypass, to develop the Jetty foreshore, to stop the harbour silting up and the desperate need for an entertainment centre.

Since then, they have just started on a ring road around Coffs Harbour (not really a bypass), we are still talking about developing the Jetty area (I thought it had been generally accepted that the majority do not want residential properties east of the railway line and yet they are still trying to sneak this in), the Harbour has silted up even more (we have lost a slipway for boat repair, and the boat ramp is dangerous at low tide) and to my amazement, we still do not have an entertainment centre for major performances (we drive to Port Macquarie’s Glasshouse for major shows, eg the ballet).

I thought City Hill had been earmarked for an entertainment centre?

However, instead, we do have a brand-new Council Chambers (but that is another issue).

What do we have to do to get some action from Federal, State and local governments to improve the amenities of our wonderful city?

Why do we have to support other venues such as Port Macquarie for entertainment?

In the words of a well-known Australian politician — would somebody please explain?

Yours sincerely,

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