Newcastle Airport signs deal with Destination NSW

Minister for Jobs and Tourism John Graham, Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes, Newcastle Airport CEO Peter Cock and Newcastle Airport Deputy Chair Sam Martin-Williams.

THE NSW Government’s tourism and events agency, Destination NSW, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Newcastle Airport to help the airport secure agreements with airlines for new international and domestic routes.

The government says the MOU is an important step in supporting Newcastle Airport to become “a global gateway” when its upgraded international terminal opens in 2025.

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The $250 million upgrade to Newcastle Airport, jointly owned by the City of Newcastle and Port Stephens Council, will open a new way for domestic and international visitors to access the Hunter region and NSW Mid North Coast.

The agreement makes financial support available to Newcastle Airport from the Aviation Attraction Fund for a two-year period from when new routes commence.

The funding package includes route incentives for airlines and strategic marketing support.

Minister for Jobs and Tourism John Graham said the agreement will put Newcastle Airport “on the runway for international success”.

“This MOU provides financial certainty to Newcastle Airport so it can attract new international and domestic airline services, helping the recovery of aviation jobs and providing a significant boost to the local visitor economy.”

Destination NSW CEO Steve Cox said the objective of the MOU is to utilise aviation to bring “holistic economic benefits to NSW”.

“Destination NSW is committed to working with the Hunter community to prepare for and maximise the once-in-a-generation opportunity that a new international terminal and infrastructure upgrades bring.”

Newcastle Airport CEO Dr Peter Cock said ongoing aviation attraction funding was particularly important for regional airports and economies.

“This first round of funding is amazing for our negotiations to attract airlines to the region, and we look forward to continued aviation attraction funding in future years,” Dr Cock said.

“Delivering new destinations for our community is critical to us.

“We know that we are in competition with airports from around Australia and globally, so we applaud the NSW Government for giving us a level playing field to go out and compete.”

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