National Awards for local lifesavers

Club President Rebecca Curtis with awardees Stuart and Phillip Daniel, Craig Young and John Estens, and special speakers Henry Scruton and Debbie Booth.

LIFESAVERS from the Tea Gardens Hawks Nest SLSC received a major national honour at their Bennetts Beach clubhouse on the last day of summer, Friday 28 February.

Four lifesavers, Stuart Daniel, Phillip Daniel, Craig Young and John Estens, received The National Medal for their long and diligent service and for risking their lives or safety to protect or assist the community in times of emergency or natural disaster.

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“The National Medal recognises those who have consistently dedicated their time to keeping our coastlines safe and each of our ‘Fabulous Four’ recipients should be very proud,” TGHN SLSC’s Debbie Booth said.

“They are volunteers with 30 patrolling hours over a minimum period of 15 seasons. They have 79 years of patrol seasons between them and combined patrol hours of 5235 hours – not counting other roles and responsibilities around the Club.”

The National Medal, first established in 1975 as a military recognition, has since branched into government and voluntary organisations, and is awarded to individuals on behalf of the Governor-General of Australia, Her Excellency the Honourable Ms Sam Mostyn AC.

“I’ve been on the same patrol with the twins (Phillip and Stuart) for 11 years; it’s an honour to be working with them. We have the most mature patrol, in many ways more than one,” fellow volunteer lifesaver, Julia, told News Of The Area..

President of Hunter Surf Life Saving (HSLS) Henry Scruton, who is also a member of the TGHN SLSC and Nobbys Beach SLSC, was present to hand the medals to their proud recipients.

“These are just a few of the amazing members who make the TGHN SLSC so successful,” Mr Scruton said.

Club Captain Wayne Bower was also proud to announce that the TGHN Club had been awarded the sought-after “Rescue of the Month” for December 2024, for saving a dozen people after hours on Bennetts Beach.

“Our volunteers rescued 12 people under very difficult conditions, it was a ‘textbook rescue’, and of the Flipper’s Fab patrol group that was involved, I want to especially mention Phillip Daniel, Luke Rochester, Max Fortunaso, Jack Alterator, Gingerlily, and Emily Klocker,” Mr Bower said.

“All the training, fundraising and Nippers goes into producing people who are able to do these kinds of amazing rescues.

“Last year we were nominated for Club of the Year, we saw 30 percent growth, and have had 62 rescues so far this season.”

The Bennetts Beach patrol season will continue until the Easter holidays.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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