Nambucca Heads Men’s Bowls Club Results


WELL another week has come and gone and another week of the weather man (Mr Doom and Gloom) telling everybody it’s going to rain, be windy and batten down the hatches.

As usual plenty of wind but no rain and bowls played all week. Tuesday was the Women’s Championships first round of restricted singles.

Wednesday’s Mixed triples, Thursday’s Women’s social bowls and Fridays Men’s Triples all had good fields however there is always room for more players and the more the merrier.

The club always welcomes new players in our fields so if you are interested in a game please contact the club for details.

Friday Men’s Triples had a bit of subterfuge happening with one skip using a different set of blue bowls when he regularly uses another colour that really stands out.

Given he was not as successful with this colour it confirms the myth that your skill level is directly linked to the colour of your bowls.

Saturday had the Men’s 2 Bowl Triples Semi-finals played (no rain Mr Doom And Gloom).

Four strong sides played and two very good games ensued.

J McCollom, P Meehan and Mr Blue Bowls Urquhart (using his normal yellow bowls) defeated R Hunt, C Brownlie and the good Hunt brother 29 -13.

B Coughlan, J Richardson and T Webber defeated P Ward, M Ward and R Riddell 24-20.

On Sunday the Final was played in front of a good crowd and what a game it was with Blue Bowls Urquhart’s team defeating Tye Webber’s side 18 -17 with the game being decided on the very last bowl.

Congratulations to Tye’s teammates Bill and John who normally play in a lower pennant grade to their opposition.

The bowls you played through the Triples event will have a few of the higher grade player’s looking over their shoulders and rightly so.

Next Saturday we commence our Mixed fours championships. Our nominations list is up for The Xmas Triples and is filling up fast ,so get your teams in.

The event is open to Nambucca Mens Bowls Club members.

Until next week stay dry (thanks very much Mr Doom and Gloom) and just smile.


By Grumpy’s CORNER

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