VOLUNTEERS at Medowie Rural Fire Brigade were recently on the receiving end of a very generous donation courtesy of the Staff and Patrons at Medowie’s Bull n Bush Hotel-Motel.
With the money raised from their weekly raffles, the Staff and Patrons purchased some lighting equipment for the local Brigade along with a social work shirt for each of the volunteers.
“Brigade’s such as Medowie are a team effort – from our newest recruits through to the Field Officers and Captain,” Medowie RFB senior deputy captain Peter Smith said.
“Donations such as these not only provide the Brigade with equipment to assist in our jobs but it also gives something back to the individual members that volunteer their time to make a Brigade function.”
Medowie RFB had one of the social t-shirts framed and presented to the Bull n Bush Hotel as a sign of gratitude, for their generous donation.
Staff and Patrons at the Bull n Bush Hotel-Motel run weekly raffles, with proceeds donated to different local charities each month.