Local Changemaker Alicia Cameron Takes African Immersion One Step Further

Alicia Cameron and Lucky in Africa.
Alicia Cameron and Lucky in Africa.


THE ambition and compassion is there to see when you meet local Alicia Cameron.

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She has overcome much to be where she is today.

About to embark upon a new journey which involves leading a trip of people to Africa.

Following on from a successful immersion trip which she took in 2018.

On her first trip to Africa, Alicia was inspired to do more.

Alicia was so inspired that she has recreated the trip to share with others and to make real change.

She wanted to make a difference, so much so, that she attempted to adopt a child who was in need on her last trip.

Alicia Cameron told News Of The Area, “I just fell in love with Lucky, and wanted to make him a part of our family.”

Due to legalities, it wasn’t to be.

However, Alicia is keen to do more and to make a difference to children like Lucky and their communities.

Her immersion trip will be held in November 2019 and will visit the School of St Judes as well as taking in a safari.

Alicia is keen to see communities become sustainable.

Her immersion trip will take travellers to new places both geographically and emotionally.

If you have ever wanted to do more, be more or experience more, taking the step to join this immersion trip could be the perfect way to experience the world for you.

“The Roho and Tribe Immersion Trip also visits the Cradle of Love Baby Home, and The Small Things Orphanage,” she said.

Of course the experience is more than seeing the challenges faced by the people living in poverty.

It takes in the culture as well with a visit to the Masai and Lake Manyara National Park and Ngorongoro Crater for a game drive which is home to 30,000 animals including hippos.

Numbers are limited to 15 on this immersion trip which will become the adventure of a lifetime.

If you would like to find out more about this amazing opportunity that will make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate contact Alicia Cameron on 0402 214 755 or rohoandtribe@gmail.com.



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