Inquiry launched into renewable energy zones

AN INQUIRY will explore the impact of Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) on rural and regional communities and industries in New South Wales.

The Upper House committee for regional New South Wales will examine the impacts of REZs and large scale renewable projects proposed for these zones, including factors such as potential fire risk, socioeconomic benefits, and effects on agricultural production, tourism and the environment.

Locally, EnergyCo is in the early stages of planning a REZ in the Hunter and Central Coast.

Committee Chair Mark Banasiak MLC, from the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party, said the committee will investigate whether affected communities across the state were adequately engaged and consulted in the development of REZs.

“It will also consider the adequacy of compensation for landholders and their neighbours,” Mr Banasiak said.

“We will also look at current and projected supply and demand levels of manufactured products, raw materials, and their sources, and the human resources required to complete REZs.”

The committee will explore the costs associated with the construction and maintenance of large scale projects within REZs, and how decommissioning bonds might work when the infrastructure built by the projects comes to the end of its operational life.

Additionally, the committee intends to investigate other aspects of large scale renewable projects, including whether there are suitable alternatives to traditional renewable energy sources.

Further information on the inquiry, including the terms of reference, are available on the inquiry website –

The closing date for submissions is 31 January 2025.

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