ABORIGINAL Elders and youth converged on Brigadoon Caravan Park at North Haven for a cultural camp from 21-23 March.
The camp’s purpose was to provide opportunities for Indigenous young people to learn about and connect with their heritage, as well as exploring potential career pathways.

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The event was funded by Port Macquarie-Hastings Council and delivered by prominent members of the local Indigenous community.
Camp helpers and leaders included Brice Hayward, Luke White, Chris O’Brien and Ian Bell, with support from Aboriginal Elders Uncle Bill O’Brien, Uncle Tony Clarke and Uncle Wayne Anderson.
The program kicked off along the shoreline of Stingray Creek on Friday afternoon.
Participants applied ochre paint to their bodies in a symbolic gesture of cultural connection, before Birpai Elder Uncle Bill led a traditional Smoking Ceremony.
Throughout the camp, the boys had the opportunity to partake in traditional activities such as fishing, crabbing, tool-making, storytelling and cultural dance.
The camp also provided insights into potential career pathways and peer mentoring opportunities.
”The camp provides me with the opportunity to connect with nature while learning about Aboriginal culture,” said camp participant “DJ”.
“I really enjoy using the spears and I also enjoy taking on a mentor role with the younger boys.”
Camp organiser Brice Hayward emphasised the importance of creating a space for the sharing of knowledge between Aboriginal boys and their mentors, ensuring cultural traditions are preserved and passed onto the next generation.
“It is such a positive experience to see our local Aboriginal boys embrace our Camden Haven Culture Camps,” said Brice.
“Last year, we previously held events under the Aboriginal Mid-North Coast Men’s group, with the goal of holding a camp aimed more directly for Aboriginal youth boys, which we will continue to build and develop.
“The boys have gained so much from the camp, not only an increase in knowledge of their Aboriginal heritage, but also personal growth.”