Council prepares Draft Plan of Management for Bulahdelah Showground

Bulahdelah Showground is the site of the famous Bulahdelah Show. Photo: Bulahdelah Show.

A DRAFT Plan of Management for Bulahdelah Showground has been developed by the MidCoast Council.

The Bulahdelah Showground is a long-established recreational space and important meeting place within the community accommodating a diverse range of uses with regular user groups whilst also providing economic benefits for the local community through the attraction of visitation from outside the area.

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In 2017, Council engaged consultants to develop a plan of management for Bulahdelah showground to help Council staff and user groups seek clarity regarding roles and responsibilities for the management and maintenance of facilities.

Additionally, there were several compliance issues associated with camping and caravanning activities and a desire to formalise this use.

The Plan of Management will promote the long-term vision for the reserve and a shared understanding og the future use and operating model for the reserve.

A representative from Council said Bulahdelah Showground is on a Crown reserve owned by the State Government and managed by MidCoast Council for the benefit of the community

Through the Plan, the Council intends to facilitate a system where enquiries and complaints from the public can be efficiently and promptly dealt with, consider and balance the need for community recreation facilities with the impact development that such sites will have on local residents, consider access to recreational facilities for all users, ensure formal use is authorised, and allow casual informal use consistent with Council’s policies and procedures.

The Council will also consider how use of the site can provide funding for the maintenance of the facilities for the Reserve.

The Bulahdelah Showground Management Committee will manage the Reserve consistent with the Plan of Management, with their role being that of an advisory, in respect to the care, maintenance, repair, beautification, improvement and management of the Reserve; liaising with Council in respect of proposed projects.

The Management Committee will carry out works as approved by Council and provide access to the Reserve and its facilities for uses by citizens of and visitors to Bulahdelah.

The draft Plan of Management also includes a list of approved and permitted activities and uses in relation to the Showground, determining their scale and permissible intensity.

The Draft Plan of Management will be placed on public exhibition for 28 days, accessible on the Council’s website.


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