Community momentum for Shoal Bay Road alternative

A fire devastated Wreck Beach near Shoal Bay in September 2024.

FOUR Port Stephens community organisations have joined in calling for alternative access into Shoal Bay.

Fingal Bay Community Association, Tomaree Headland Heritage Group, Business Port Stephens, and the Tomaree Ratepayers and Residents Association, recently convened to agree on a course of action to improve driver and resident safety.

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The groups say that single road access into and out of Shoal Bay and Fingal Bay restricts emergency vehicle access and has the potential to hamper evacuations during fires and extreme weather events.

Additionally, significant erosion and subsidence on Shoal Bay Beach has come within three metres of Shoal Bay Road, which carries a significant volume of traffic during holiday periods.

This is only set to increase with the popularity of coastal works and other plans to boost tourism in the area.

Peter Clough, President of the Tomaree Headland Heritage Group, said these reasons provide a “compelling case” for additional access.

“Also, there is a case for enhanced public transport,” he said.

“Such as reinstatement of the Jetty at the Tomaree Lodge and a public shuttle bus service to support Tomaree Coastal Walk users.

“Accordingly, we believe there is now a strong sense of urgency to commence the planning processes and route identification for an additional road.”

Port Stephens Council released a Coastal Management Plan in June 2024 that acknowledged the need for action.

“Council has already commenced discussions with key stakeholders, namely NPWS and Crown Lands, about the potential of relocating Shoal Bay Road,” it stated.

“Hence, it is proposed that an adaptation strategy be developed for Shoal Bay to ensure an appropriate balance between development and maintenance of the natural and other assets that attract visitors to Shoal Bay.”

By Simon EKINS

Storm erosion damage within three metres of Shoal Bay Road, August 2024.

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