Tea Gardens Men’s Bowling Club News Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad Sport Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 31, 2023 THE busy programme of bowls this week was sponsored by the Myall Butchery at Tea Gardens. 25 Oct A fine and windy day today for the 38 players c contesting the usual mid-week competition. The morning game was decided by the Highest winning score and Wayne Duggan, Mick Hoban and Noel
Macksville Sea Eagles send of 2023 season, plan for 2024 Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad Sport Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 26, 2023 IT has been a big week for the Macksville Sea Eagles Rugby League Club, with the hosting of both their annual awards night and annual general meeting (AGM). Following the AGM, the following coaches have been named to lead the Club in 2024. First Grade: Matt Hyland and Jimmy Collison. Reserve
Nambucca Heads Island Golf Results Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad Sport Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 26, 2023 FOR THE WEEK ENDING SUNDAY 22nd OCTOBER 2023. A full calendar of Golf this week, including the final rounds of the Men’s & Women’s Championships, and the Men’s Open day. Thanks to continual close monitoring and watering, the greens are coping well with the drought conditions. If your game has been
Macksville Country Club Golf Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad Sport Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 26, 2023 WHILE our greenkeepers are doing it hard in the dry it is nothing compared to the stress our local farmers must be experiencing. It must be tough. Saturday's stableford event sponsored by Alliance Pest Control was won by Phil Bambury with Jim Wilkes runner up. Phil's lucky run continues as his
Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad Sport Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 25, 2023 TUESDAY 17 October. The game of the day on Tuesday 17 October at Safety Beach golf course was President V Captain and President Leanne Clark and her team won the day. The wind was still causing a bit of grief but the ladies enjoyed the competition. Overall winner was Jo
Coffs flag footballer has LA Olympics in his sights Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad Sport Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 25, 2023 CAYDEN Close’s Olympic dreams are well and truly alive after being selected to the first Australian flag football team. The eighteen-year-old from Coffs Harbour was in Sydney for the announcement that flag football and five other sports will be added to the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. Close said it was
Nambucca Valley Bridge Club News Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad Sport Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 19, 2023 SATURDAY 14th October 2023. NEWS: On Saturday this week players celebrated with popular veteran Colleen Robertson who had her ninetieth birthday. Colleen loves her bridge and takes very few prisoners. Promotions were also recognised for Lyndall Edsall, Robert Baker and John Slade. Monday: 9th. Twenty-four players for a Bye-Relay event. North/South winners
Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad Sport Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 18, 2023 TUESDAY 10 October. Another beautiful day brought out the best in the keen members of Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club on Tuesday 10. Thirty four ladies faced the starter with the common aim to improve past scores. Winner of the day was Robyn Brindle with a wonderful 40 pts,
Coffs Harbour Golf Club Ladies Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad Sport Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 18, 2023 A BIG congratulations to Trish Nance who had a hole in one on the 3rd hole in Saturdays competition. This is the 4th hole-in-1 for Trish who had two at Antill Park Country Golf Club in Picton and another at Cabramatta Golf Club while she was living in Sydney.
Macksville Country Club Golf Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad Sport Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 12, 2023 ONE poor shot in a stroke event can be the difference between a "good" round and a "don't ask" result. The Trisley Betta Electrical sponsored Medal and Spoon event on the modified 3x6 hole competition saw Gary Clarke maintain consistency throughout to win the Medal with Club Captain Brad