THE enormous sunspot that sparked the spectacular aurorae across the globe last month is back facing the earth, and it appears to be getting bigger. One of the largest sunspot groups seen in years, this monster is so big that fifteen earths could fit inside it! Now you can understand
Nambucca Valley
Missabotti Hall Committee holds Trash and Treasure morning
LAST Saturday, 8 June, the Missabotti Hall held a Trash and Treasure event with stallholders and locals enjoying the fine winter weather to grab a bargain in the undercover patio section of the hall. The council-owned hall, like so many of the Nambucca Valley’s community spaces, has a long history of
Utungun Hall awarded Community Building Partnership grant
UTUNGUN Hall has been awarded a Community Building Partnership grant of $7500 under the NSW government scheme. “We are a very active committee,” Gary Lee, Media Liaison Officer with the Utungun Community Centre’s committee told NOTA. Advertise with News of The Area today. It's worth it for your business. Message us. Phone
Garden Club Friendship Day held at Stuarts Point
STUARTS Point and District Garden Club members were busy on the morning of Wednesday 29 May preparing the local hall for around 85 guests from a range of local and regional garden clubs. “This day also signifies our one-year anniversary since formation as we take advice from ‘Garden Clubs of Australia’,
Feedback sought on Macksville Bridge maintenance work
THE community is being invited to have its say on maintenance works for Macksville Bridge, with the Review of Environmental Factors now on display. Transport for NSW Regional Director North Anna Zycki said this work will help ensure the historic bridge remains an iconic landmark well into the future. Advertise with News
Table tennis returns to Nambucca Heads as winter serves up cooler weather
Nambucca Heads locations put forward on grant application for EV chargers
NAMBUCCA Valley Council has made a grant application through the Clean Energy Committee for the installation of electric vehicle (EV) chargers at two locations in Nambucca Heads. Councillors voted at last Thursday’s meeting to install EV chargers at Nambucca Heads Library and at either Bellwood Park or Gordon Park subject to
Nambucca Heads service to honour ADF service in recent conflicts
WHEN the government of the day declared, on 11 July 2021, that all Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel had been withdrawn from Afghanistan, it marked the end of our nation's longest commitment in a theatre of war. The 20 year commitment cost the lives of 41 Australian servicemen and the success
Stakeholders answer to the public in crime inquiry held in Nambucca Heads
MEMBER for Oxley Michael Kemp and community member Rebecca Stanmore held a summit to address recent victims of crime in the community at Nambucca Heads RSL last Wednesday evening. The meeting was attended by Nambucca Deputy Mayor John Wilson, Police Chiefs Darren Jameson and Vince Nicholls from the Nambucca and Kempsey
Filmmaker urges support for regenerative farms
ACTRESS, filmmaker, and regenerative farmer Rachel Ward has spoken out about the difficulties faced by small beef farmers across the state. Rachel owns a small farm at Taylors Arm in the Nambucca Valley, which she operates using regenerative practices to grow beef cattle. Advertise with News of The Area today. It's