FROM humble beginnings in 2010, the Valla Beach Markets has grown into a vibrant and much-loved event that brings the community together and funds a variety of local projects. Managed by the Valla Beach Community Association (VBCA), a S355 Committee of Management of Nambucca Valley Council (NVC), the markets have
Nambucca Valley News
Community anger over membership rejections by seniors club
THE vast majority of recent applications to join the Nambucca Senior Citizens Club have been denied, despite waning membership being cited as a reason for the impending sale of the group’s clubhouse. As previously reported in NOTA, Nambucca Seniors has been struggling to pay its bills, leading to the club’s
Nambucca Heads Offshore Fishing Club donates $1000 to Marine Rescue
IN a generous display of community support, the Nambucca Heads Offshore Fishing Club has donated $1000 to Marine Rescue Nambucca to aid in their vital work of keeping local waterways safe. The donation was presented on Friday night at the Nambucca Bowls Club, with Marine Rescue Nambucca’s Unit Commander Gary
Wyz Wimmin wow with the ‘The Sisterhood’
A CROWD of almost 200 packed into the Nambucca Heads RSL Club auditorium to witness the Wyz Wimmin & Friends Theatre Company’s performance of “The Sisterhood” on Saturday, 15 March. Originally planned to hit the stage on 8 March for International Women’s Day (IWD), but postponed due to Ex-Tropical Cyclone
Stuarts Point community talks major local issues
OXLEY MP Michael Kemp was the guest speaker at the first Stuarts Point and District Community Organisation (SPaDCO) meeting of the year on Wednesday, 26 February. Mr Kemp was invited to offer details of what the National Party is doing at the State level, especially for small regional communities, with an
Garden party raising funds for good cause in Nambucca Heads
NAMBUCCA Heads artist and dedicated community fundraiser Freya Paton is once again opening her home for a special fundraising event, continuing her long-standing tradition of supporting local and international causes. Over the years, Freya and her friends have raised funds for organisations such as Red Cross, Neighbourhood Centres, The Youthie,
Merv and Elaine Lynch celebrate 70th wedding anniversary
MACKSVILLE’S Merv and Elaine Lynch have reached a remarkable milestone, celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary - by any measure a remarkable testament to love, dedication, and a lifetime of shared memories. Born and raised in the Nambucca district, Elaine and Merv grew up in Macksville and Bowraville respectively. Advertise with News
Uniting Church donates funds for carer respite
THE Nambucca Heads Uniting Church has pitched in with funds to facilitate respite for local carers. Many in the community support a family member, friend or client who has a disability, mental illness, substance dependency, chronic condition, terminal condition or age related frailty. Advertise with News of The Area today. It's
Nambucca Valley patchwork group to hold quilt show
Initiative to address shortage of homes for regional health workers
BELLINGEN advocacy group Housing Matters is inviting local residents to attend the upcoming launch of “Homes for Health”. The initiative aims to find a community-driven solution to the urgent housing crisis affecting healthcare workers in Bellingen and Dorrigo and is a collaboration between three local bodies; the Bellinger Shire Council, Bellinger