Sawtell Golf MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 25, 2021 17/8 MEDLEY Stableford James Murdoch 39c/b, Mal Jensen 39, Bryan Fitzpatrick 38c/b, Allan Robertson 38, Ian Kenny 36c/b, Jeff Hardcastle 36c/b. Balls to 34c/b 18/8 Stableford A: Gaye Hardcastle 40, Lynne Rapley 39, Liz Jackson 35. B: Theresa Beswick 42, Hermie McGuire 38c/b, Karen Leighton 38. Balls to 32c/b 19/8 Chook Run Brian Leiper 26. Balls to 23 20/8 Stableford Natalie
Sawtell Catholic Care to host Vaccine Hub for Coffs Coast Aged Care workers MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 23, 2021 SAWTELL Catholic Care (SCC) is proud to contribute to the protection of the Coffs community by helping to protect the region’s Aged Care workers and the residents they serve. In partnership with the Public Health Unit and International SOS, Sawtell Catholic Care will be hosting a vaccination hub for Aged Care
Port Stephens Council saves $70k, 71 Olympic swimming pools of water in a year MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 11, 2021 WATER saving measures implemented in the 2019-20 financial year have saved Port Stephens Council $69,880 and 71 Olympic swimming pools of water according to water consumption data. General Manager Wayne Wallis said the 178ML saving in just one year has financial and environmental benefits for the community. Advertise with News of The
Coffs Coast athletes do their country proud in Tokyo MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 4, 2021 TWO awesome athletes from the Coffs Harbour region have done their country proud while representing Australia at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Swimmer Maddy Gough and Rugby Sevens player Locky Miller competed in their respective events during the first week of competition at Tokyo. A former Sawtell Swimming Club member, Gough competed in
Sign up and become a MidCoast Council grant guru MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 4, 2021 MIDCOAST Council’s Grant Guru has been helping local businesses, community groups and not-for-profit organisations navigate the world of grant funding since it launched at the start of this year. The web portal, established through a partnership with Grant Guru, provides instant access to the most comprehensive compilation of funding opportunities across
Honouring Janet McDonald’s 103 years of wonderful life MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 27, 2021 HAWKS Nest’s Janet McDonald has passed away aged 103 after a wonderful life. Raised in Dudley, Jan was brought up with a love for the beach and sport, and understood the importance of family, love and respect. Advertise with News of The Area today. It's worth it for your business. Message us.
Woolgoolga Women’s Golf MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 21, 2021 IN a big week for Woolgoolga Women's Golf, the July Monthly Medal was played, we hosted the WGCNC District Medal and conducted our annual Denise Hamilton Memorial 'Tee Off for Breast Cancer' Day. The course was a sea of pink yesterday as players donned their pink outfits to raise funds for
Hawks Nest Ladies Golf MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 12, 2021 Stroke Round Five GNSW Medal Saturday 3/7/2021 29 Players Div 1 Mandy Dickson 73 Elsa Jones 74 June Biddle 6C/B Div 2 Sue Brownrigg 75 Janet Moore 78 Susan Muna 79 Balls to 80C/B Gross winners Div 1 Mandy Dickson 84 Div 2 Susan Muna 109 NTP Hole 10 June Biddle Stroke Round Five GNSW Medal Tuesday 6/7/2021 42 Players Div
Tomaree CLC TAFE Opens Offering A Range Of Training Courses MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 8, 2021 THE new connected Learning Centre at Salamander Bay is a $7 million investment by the NSW Government which will see TAFE more than quadruple course offerings for locals. The Connected Learning Centre offers courses alongside the TAFE facilities which sit within the Tomaree Education Precinct which also houses Tomaree High School
Sawtell/Toormina Saints beat Northern Beaches Blues MidCoast LGA (overall news) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 7, 2021 THE Sawtell/Toormina Saints have shown they could very well be in the premiership mix after a 9.10 (64) to 5.7 (37) win against the second-placed Northern Beaches Blues at Richardson Park. The Saints led by 13 at half-time, but the Blues jumped out of the blocks with two quick goals to