‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - June 22, 2023 DEAR Jasminda, When people ask me to events, I genuinely want to go, but as the date draws closer, I realise that I'd much rather stay at home with my dog. Then I have to attend and be miserable, or come up with a last-minute excuse. George B. Dear George, Your intentions are good
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - May 25, 2023 DEAR Jasminda, My daughter was walking through the shopping centre after a big day and was approached by a lady selling a beauty treatment. Since she was tired, she allowed the lady to give her a free sample treatment but then said she couldn't afford to make a purchase. The lady
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - May 18, 2023 DEAR Jasminda, My husband is extremely social and I'm introverted. He will often say, 'Oh such and such is dropping in for drinks tonight' which makes me stressed. Is there any way we can reach some sort of compromise on this? Hettie W. Dear Hettie, They say opposites attract, but usually that's at the
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - May 12, 2023 DEAR Jasminda, A friend visited recently and said how much she loved our bathroom mirror because it made her look much thinner. Does this mean that I've been under a false illusion about my own weight? Gillian W. Dear Gillian, There is so much variation in mirrors. The mirrors in shops that sell
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 26, 2023 DEAR Jasminda, MY dog latched onto the neighbour's chicken (he seems to like unprocessed chicken legs). The chicken was, remarkably, not injured, but I am worried about this happening again. My other dog has no interest in them. Hannah B. Dear Hannah, If I were a chook detective (which, thankfully I am not),
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 19, 2023 DEAR Jasminda, My friend uses a filter when we are in photos together which makes her look completely different, but it makes me look different too. I don't wear a lot of makeup and yet, in photos she posts on social media, I have impeccable eyebrows, bright lipstick, and my teeth
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 13, 2023 DEAR Jasminda, I follow a local community page on social media because I like to know what's going on in the local area. I've noticed, though, that there is ongoing racist and derogatory remarks. I'm not game to comment back because then I'll be trolled. Why do people have to be
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 9, 2023 DEAR Jasminda, MY husband has a very irritating ringtone on his phone. It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. Is it wrong of me to ask him to change it? Olive K. Dear Olive, A personalised ringtone can tell you a lot about a person. You should therefore be aware that
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 29, 2023 DEAR Jasminda, MY son wants to play weekend sport, but the thought of standing in a crowd on our precious weekends isn't filling us with a lot of joy. Julie S. Dear Julie, I suspect I might like you. You're not one of those fawning parents who thinks the world revolves around
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 23, 2023March 23, 2023 DEAR Jasminda, IN the upcoming State elections we all need to make a choice. Last week, after listening to the views of the many local candidates on the subject of Climate Change and what they were prepared to offer this community, I am in a quandary. Do I vote for the