‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt News Of The Area Opinion by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 7, 2021April 29, 2021 DEAR Jasminda, Now that the flood waters are starting to subside, I have a new problem - swarms of blood-sucking mosquitoes. What earthly purpose do they serve and what can I do to avoid the bites and potentially Ross River Fever? Mrs Tina W. Dear Tina, It is quite hard to love the humble mosquito,
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt News Of The Area Opinion by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 17, 2021April 29, 2021 DEAR Jasminda, My neighbours’ cat prefers living with me. It suns itself on my deck, follows me in the garden and if the door is open, and curls up on my lap and falls asleep. The neighbours are at work all day and so they are unaware of this behaviour. The thing is, I’ve
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt News Of The Area Opinion by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 10, 2021April 29, 2021 DEAR Jasminda, Last night my son asked me why there wasn't an International Men's Day. What should my reaction have been? Mrs Olivia T. Aaaargh. Olivia. Did you wallop him over the head with the white school shirt you'd just ironed so he looked the part at the school you are forking out thousands
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt News Of The Area Opinion by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 3, 2021April 29, 2021 DEAR Jasminda, Whenever my teenage daughter gets in the car, she always switches the music to her playlist which raises my anxiety levels. I admit we have very different tastes in music. What is the answer? Mr Doug K. Dear Doug, I wish you could have given me a bit more information about your musical tastes. I’m
‘On The Couch’ With Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt News Of The Area by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 12, 2021April 29, 2021 Dear Jasminda, At what age should teenagers start doing their own washing? My husband said his mum did his till he left home. I think now the kids are in high school they can take on this role. Mrs Heidi L. Dear Heidi, I guess it all depends on what type of teenages you
‘On The Couch’ With Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt News Of The Area Opinion by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 6, 2021April 29, 2021 Dear Jasminda, Last week my husband and I set our New Year’s Resolutions. Mine was to do at least 10,000 steps a day and eat more fruit; his was to try to be happy in his body and drink more alcohol. I just can’t see this working. Mrs Miriam H. Dear Miriam, Your resolutions
‘On The Couch’ With Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt News Of The Area Opinion by News Of The Area - Modern Media - November 11, 2020April 29, 2021 Dear Jasminda, My husband has suggested we get a shared present this Christmas and he has decided that the shared present should be a barbecue. I was hoping for something a bit more personal. Do I just go along with it? Mrs Tara F. Dear Tara, Normally I complain about any conversations to do with Christmas
‘On The Couch’ With Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt News Of The Area Opinion by News Of The Area - Modern Media - November 4, 2020April 29, 2021 jasminda DEAR Jasminda, Yesterday I was waiting in a long queue at the supermarket with about 20 items. One of the staff members told me to go to the express aisle, which I did. Within minutes, however, several people with less than 12 items started queuing behind me, giving me nasty looks. How do you
‘On The Couch’ With Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt News Of The Area Opinion by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 29, 2020April 29, 2021 Dear Jasminda, I've made a wonderful new friend and we often meet up at a cafe, but she has the most terrible habit of slurping her tea. I inwardly cringe with every mouthful. I'm not sure our friendship can survive this. Miss Linda G. Dear Linda, There comes a time in many friendships when you wonder