‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt by News Of The Area - Modern Media - September 14, 2021 DEAR Jasminda, I still have some unvaccinated friends and so I feel it will be distasteful to post photos of our picnics when those friends are still on a waiting list. What do you think? Mrs Patricia Dear Patricia, First there was FOMO and now there is Look At Those Holier-Than-Thou People Who Managed To
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 31, 2021August 31, 2021 DEAR Jasminda, On the weekend, I was flicking through social media. My husband was doing his 'essential exercise' with the dog. As I was mindlessly scrolling, a 'found dog' post turned up. I read the post because it was an adorable looking dog, and in fact very similar in looks to my own dog. On
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 25, 2021 DEAR Jasminda, THE most attractive person in our workplace is not at all tech-savvy and so she hasn't realised that she can apply a 'touch up' filter when we have online team meetings. For the first time ever, she is looking terrible in comparison to the rest of us. Last week our manager
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 20, 2021 DEAR Jasminda, What is your philosophy on pets at the table during mealtimes? Mr Kevin P. Dear Kevin, This is a broad question. There's a big difference between a Labrador sitting patiently waiting for a bit of pork gristle and a Poodle yelping underfoot and making everyone agitated. It really depends on how well-behaved the pet
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt by News Of The Area - Modern Media - June 30, 2021 DEAR Jasminda, I'm in a relatively new relationship (six weeks) and last week my new love interest brought his toiletries bag and left it in my bathroom. I'm not sure whether to tell him he forgot it, or whether he's put it there for when he visits. I don't really like it on
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt by News Of The Area - Modern Media - June 15, 2021 DEAR Jasminda, THIS morning in the supermarket I challenged a fellow shopper on her choice of selecting caged eggs over free range. I felt some remorse afterwards as I normally mind my own business and don’t like to be rude to people, however on the other hand I feel torn as I
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt by News Of The Area - Modern Media - May 18, 2021 DEAR Jasminda, Is it okay to work from home in your pyjamas on cold days? Since the pandemic, our workplace has continued to work from home, and I just feel more comfortable. Mrs Tina F. Dear Tina, I can totally understand the temptation to work in your pyjamas. In 10-degree weather, who wouldn't want to be
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt by News Of The Area - Modern Media - May 7, 2021 DEAR Jasminda, At what point is it okay to prevent kids from taking over a cake and ruining it with their sub-par decorating skills? Mrs Georgina L. Dear Georgina, I reckon there are two distinct types of parenting with the exception of some parents who are floaters and some who have not yet worked
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt News Of The Area Opinion by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 27, 2021April 29, 2021 DEAR Jasminda, How do you leave a party in a socially acceptable way without insulting everyone? If you do the rounds and say goodbye, it can add another hour to your expected time of departure. Mrs Kate W. Dear Kate, I rarely have this problem because I avoid large social gatherings like the plague (now
‘On the couch’ with Jasminda Jasminda - Agony Aunt News Of The Area Opinion by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 22, 2021April 29, 2021 DEAR Jasminda, I live in shared accommodation where there is only one laundry. What is the acceptable time frame to allow before you remove the previous person's washing? I waited five hours the other day and it was still there. Mrs Wendy P. Dear Wendy, The stages of washing are never-ending, so to have to wait